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We Help Southeast Texas Accident Victims Seek Compensation for the Loss of a Limb

The loss of limbs through amputations is one of the most physically and emotionally devastating injuries a person can sustain in an accident. The Stano Law Firm is dedicated to helping amputation victims seek justice from those whose thoughtless actions led to the loss of an arm, leg, hand, foot, finger, or toe. Houston amputations injury lawyer Matt Stano is a former Texas prosecutor who has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for his clients. Contact him today to schedule a free, no-obligation case review.

According to a report by the National Employment Law Project, 17,533 workplace accidents were reported to OSHA in 2017. Of those, 4,672 resulted in the amputation of a limb.

What Leads to Amputations in Houston?

Surgical Team

In medical terms, amputation is a procedure that removes all or part of a limb or extremity. In some cases the amputation is caused by the accident or trauma itself. Other times, medical professionals may be forced to perform a surgical amputation to prevent an infection from spreading or remove a limb that cannot otherwise be saved.

Some common types of amputation accidents that we handle at The Stano Law Firm include:

  • Car Accidents: Any collision involving a motor vehicle can lead to a catastrophic injury, including an amputation. This risk is especially great when the collision occurs at a high speed, such as a drunk driver plowing into another vehicle doing 90 miles per hour, or a multi-car pileup that forces the victim’s car off the road.
  • Commercial Trucking Accidents: Tractor-trailers and 18-wheelers present a special danger to other people on the road. If one of these “Big Rigs” overturn or collide with a smaller vehicle, the victims may be crushed under the weight and lose a limb.
  • Work Injuries: Many Houston-area residents work in dangerous jobs that expose them to potential amputation risks. This includes the risk of getting caught in–or crushed by–an industrial machine, as well as the risk of explosion or fire due to working with hazardous materials.

If an amputation was the result of a work-related accident, the victim is usually covered by workers’ compensation to provide both temporary and permanent disability benefits. When a non-employer party is responsible for an amputation, however, the victim can seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. The Stano Law Firm can review the facts of your particular case and advise you on the best way to seek compensation for your loss of a limb or extremity.

Compensation in Houston Amputation Cases

The goal of Texas personal injury law is to fully compensate the victim for their losses arising from the defendant’s reckless, negligent, or intentional conduct. Determining the full amount of damages in an amputation case is often complicated, however, by the severe and permanent nature of the injury itself. The victim is entitled to both economic and non-economic damages, which require consideration of a number of different factors.

Economic damages reflect the amputation victim’s financial losses. Put another way, this is compensation for losses that can readily be quantified in terms of dollars and cents. Some examples of economic damages include:

  • Medical Bills: Amputation injuries usually require emergency medical treatment such as surgery. Indeed, it is not uncommon for an amputation victim to require multiple surgeries over an extended period of time. The victim will also require extensive physical rehabilitation, therapy, and even medical devices such as prosthetics to help try to regain some of their lost functionality. The victim can seek full reimbursement of all these medical bills–including an estimate of all future expenses–through a personal injury claim.
  • Loss of Income and Earning Power: Amputation victims usually cannot return to their jobs right away. In many cases, they are never able to resume their pre-injury job or vocation. The victim can therefore seek compensation for the lost wages they would have earned had they not been injured. They can also demand reimbursement for their diminished future earning capacity and the expenses of re-training them for a different career.
  • Modifications to Property: A person who can no longer use their arms and/or legs may need to modify their home or other property so they can get around properly. The victim can seek reimbursement for these modification costs as part of their personal injury claim.

Amputation victims can also seek non-economic damages as compensation for their pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and other intangible losses. And in cases where the amputation was the result of especially egregious–or even criminal–misconduct, the victim may also be allowed to seek substantial punitive damages under Texas law.

Contact The Stano Law Firm in Houston Today

An amputation is always a life-altering event. Victims often struggle for years to come to terms with their situation. So if your amputation injury was the result of a work-related accident or someone else’s negligence, you have a right to take appropriate legal action. Contact The Stano Law Firm today to speak with our Houston amputation lawyer.

Amputations are most common in a catastrophic injury as experienced in a car accident. If you were injured this way, call us today!