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The Rise of Distracted Driving Accidents in Texas: A Call to Action by Attorney Matt Stano

As the Lone Star State grapples with a disconcerting 17% increase in traffic deaths related to distracted driving in 2021, it’s evident that Texas roads have become more perilous than ever. In this blog post, we shed light on the alarming statistics provided by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and explore the imperative need for heightened awareness and caution on the road. Additionally, we introduce Matt Stano, an esteemed Texas injury lawyer from The Stano Law Firm, whose commitment to justice makes him a valuable ally for those affected by these preventable accidents.

The Sobering Reality of Distracted Driving in Texas:

According to TxDOT, the year 2021 witnessed a harrowing 17% increase in deaths attributed to distracted driving when compared to the previous year. Shockingly, this surge resulted in the loss of 431 lives and left 2,934 individuals with severe injuries. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, TxDOT has launched its annual Talk. Text. Crash. campaign during National Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April. The campaign aims to encourage Texans to remain focused on driving, with a stark reminder that distracted driving puts lives at risk.

TxDOT’s Urgent Plea for Attention:

TxDOT Executive Director Marc Williams emphasizes the severity of the issue, stating, “Texans are killed each year simply because someone was distracted by their phone, radio, navigation system, eating or drinking, or even by others in the car.” Williams underscores the point that distracted driving is not only dangerous but is also a criminal offense in Texas. Since September 1, 2017, reading, writing, or sending a text message while driving has been illegal, with violators facing fines of up to $200.

Preventing Distracted Driving: Tips from TxDOT:

TxDOT provides practical tips to curb distracted driving, including giving full attention to driving, pulling off the road entirely and coming to a complete stop before using the phone, putting the phone away or turning it off while driving, and informing friends, family, and coworkers that you cannot respond while driving. The Talk. Text. Crash. campaign is part of the broader #EndTheStreakTX initiative, urging drivers to make safer choices and contributing to the goal of ending the streak of daily deaths on Texas roadways, which has persisted since November 7, 2000.

Legal Support for Distracted Driving Victims

In the aftermath of a distracted driving accident, seeking legal guidance is crucial. Matt Stano, a dedicated Texas injury lawyer at The Stano Law Firm, stands ready to support individuals and businesses affected by the wrongful acts of others. Whether it’s a physical injury, personal injury, wrongful death, product failure, medical malpractice, or business disputes, our attorneys can be reached at (832) 777-0390 or via email.


As we grapple with the troubling rise of distracted driving incidents in Texas, it’s evident that immediate action and heightened awareness are paramount. TxDOT’s campaigns and the legal support offered by attorneys like Matt Stano serve as beacons of hope, striving to bring justice and accountability to those affected by these preventable tragedies. By collectively committing to safer choices on the road, we can work towards ending the streak of daily deaths and creating a safer driving environment for all Texans.